Portfolio Implementation.

Adapting my design to HOTGLUE

In Portfolio Design Exercise I explain that I've decided that my design would have a certain scope and features. However, the technologies chosen had to be adapted for the website to work properly. In order to do this, I've added a few scripts (in JavaScript) to make sure the content would respond to a wide range of screen resolutions, and although most of this is handled by Bootstrap some corrections had to be made. It's very clear that HOTGLUE as it's purpose and it's not for intensive web development.

The other part of the problem is that my website would be heavily based on code rather than collages. The reason I decided to do this is that HOTGLUE is very limited in terms of creating complex pages, such as a responsive page, with that in mind I've set my self this challenge of making the best website I could (with the time I had available), using HOTGLUE.

Organizing code

Since I was using code I've started developing the website on my personal machine, and although I've written my code for each page on a different file, I've placed the code that would be on the head of the document on a separate file as well. Note that this would include my CSS as well since HOTGLUE does not allow to use it easily.

Shows files used for this project (top left corner).

I've had an image problem

Before starting to code anything I've done has much testing as I could, in order to know what kind of technologies I would be able to use to accomplish my design idea (to the point I broke HOTGLUE).

During this process using images and using html/css to code my website became a problem, because there was no way to host images on HOTGLUE without breaking my layout. So I've ended up using imgsafe, an image hosting service, which solved the problem completetly, plus allows me to control image files more easily.


This website if fruit of hard work, it isn't perfect. However, it should work without any major issues, Doing this project allowed me to improve my design process and tailor it more to the way I work. On a final note, I don't recommend to anyone doing a complex website on HOTGLUE and just stick to collage.